Walnut Creek Scholarship

The Walnut Creek Scholarship can be awarded to students attention that distant location. The intent of this scholarship is to help DL students complete seminary within a reasonable timeframe in order to engage in ministry sooner. 

To qualify student will need to be:
  • Enrolled in a minimum of 5 units per semester in the MDiv or B.Th. program
  • Have a GPA of 3.0 or above
  • Complete this form
  • Complete the Financial Aid Application

Students with a GPA of 3.0 to 3.49 can receive $100 per unit and students with a GPA of 3.5 and above can receive $200 per unit. 

If the student drops their class load scholarship will be reduced or removed. 

Ex: P000123456

Consent to Disclosure of Personal Information

By checking the box below you are agree to disclose information regarding your student account including, but not limited to: degree, GPA, finances, Ministry Aptitude Score, future ministry plans, and graduation date. You are affirming that this information will be used for Development purposes.