The Christian Worker's Scholarship

Ex: P000123456

Church Information

A Pastoral Recommendation is Required

Academic Information

Financial Information

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Budget Information

Please do your best to show your current budget. This is only needed to understand your current financial situation. The amounts you provide do not need to be exact.
Monthly Expense Percentage of Monthly Income


The Christian Worker's Scholarship has been established to help train students at TMS who desire to pursue a career in pastoral ministry or missions.

Before submitting your application for this scholarship, please take the following requirements into consideration:
  • Applicants must intend to go into pastoral ministry or career missions.
  • Applicants must submit a recommendation letter from their pastor concerning their faithfulness in a local church ministry.
  • Recipients are expected to be in good academic standing with the seminary, maintaining a 2.5 minimum cumulative GPA, and passing all attempted courses.
  • At the end of each academic year, recipients must submit a one-page typewritten report outlining:
    • Areas of spiritual growth during the past year
    • Spiritual goals for the coming year
    • Examples from the past year of faithfulness in the local church ministry
    • References to verify ministry involvement
Consent to Disclosure of Personal Information

By checking the box below you are agree to disclose information regarding your student account including, but not limited to: degree, GPA, finances, Ministry Aptitude Score, future ministry plans, and graduation date. You are affirming that this information will be used for Development purposes.